Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stop the traditional way and do it differently in 2009

If you have been in tune with my blog, it goes to show you are trying to learn something new. You are ready to do away with the traditional.

Stop the standard typical job search approach!
"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe {1749-1832 German Poet & Scientist}
That’s why you’ve got to try something different. Something NOT typical.

Because, if what you were doing in your job search was working, then you would be working in a new job now, right? But you’re not.
Because the traditional job search is a struggle. It’s a frustrating waste of time. Why do the same things and expect different results!

Let me help you get hired faster for your dream job. Here’s what you’ll learn in the next few postings:
• Get crystal clear on the job you seek (it’s simple, yet most people cannot do this)
• Build a list of employers you want to work for (most people choose employers with less thought than they give to choosing a new car!)
• Stop sending tons of cover letters and application letters.
• Get employers’ attention by offering to solve their problems (most people simply ask for a job, which will get you sent right to the “black hole” of Human Resources -- and good luck to you then)
• Get more job offers by starting work before the interview (most people show up woefully unprepared and do nothing memorable at all in the interview)

Act different!
The Career Expert, Greater Asia

p/s If you interested in the FREE Career Seminar we conduct, send us an e-mail to

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